Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents Vanessa Hollingshead

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents VANESSA HOLLINGSHEAD and the Best Comedy Show in the Hamptons! with Stacey Prussman, All Star Comedy, and Sticks and Stones All-Star Comedy Lineup The brilliant, raw, and legendary Vanessa Hollingshead performs in Southampton! Tickets on sale now!

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents Vanessa Hollingshead

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents VANESSA HOLLINGSHEAD and the Best Comedy Show in the Hamptons! with Stacey Prussman, All Star Comedy, and Sticks and Stones All-Star Comedy Lineup The brilliant, raw, and legendary Vanessa Hollingshead performs in Southampton! Tickets on sale now!

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents Rob White

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents ROB WHITE and the Best Comedy Show in the Hamptons! with Sticks and Stones All-Star Comedy Lineup! Find out why ROB WHITE is the most requested comedian in the Hamptons! Rob leads a comedy all-star show! Tickets on sale now!

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents Sherrod Small

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents SHERROD SMALL and the Best Comedy Show in the Hamptons! with Sticks and Stones All-Star Comedy Lineup! and Host Joe Winchell Sherrod Small, one of the top comedians working today, comes to Southampton! Tickets on sale now!

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents Rob White

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents ROB WHITE and the Best Comedy Show in the Hamptons! with Host Joe Winchell and Sticks and Stones All-Star Comedy Lineup! Find out why ROB WHITE is the most requested comedian in the Hamptons! Rob leads a comedy all-star show! Tickets on sale now!

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents Carmen Lynch

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents CARMEN LYNCH and the Best Comedy Show in the Hamptons! Headliner CARMEN LYNCH, as seen on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, performs early show in English and late show in Spanish! Tickets on sale now!

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents Carmen Lynch – en español

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents CARMEN LYNCH and the Best Comedy Show in the Hamptons...en español! La cabeza de cartel CARMEN LYNCH, vista en The Tonight Show con Jimmy Fallon, presenta un show temprano en inglés y un show tardío en español. Tickets on sale now!

Special Hamptons Comedy Film Festival – Kestrin Pantera

Special HCFF Screening PLUS The Hamptons' #1 Live Standup Comedy Show! with Kestrin Pantera and Sticks and Stones All-Star Comedy Lineup! Special Hamptons Comedy Film Festival Presentation of SXSW-Winning Filmmaker Kestrin Pantera's new comedy short. She'll be on hand after for a Q&A. And right afterward, the Hamptons' #1 Live Standup Comedy Show! Tickets on sale now!

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents Rob White

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents ROB WHITE and the Best Comedy Show in the Hamptons! with Sticks and Stones All-Star Comedy Lineup! Find out why ROB WHITE is the most requested comedian in the Hamptons! Rob leads a comedy all-star show! Tickets on sale now!

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents Jordan Rock

Sticks and Stones Comedy Club presents JORDAN ROCK and the Best Comedy Show in the Hamptons! with Sticks and Stones All-Star Comedy Lineup! and Host Joe Winchell Tickets on sale now!